Fintech Felt Like Funtech but Now Libra is On Its Way

7 min read

Libra is on its way. The battlefields are marked. The trenches are built. The die is cast. The financial crisis of ten years ago has profoundly shaped the social-cultural climate of the world. Especially in the West, where so many were affected, it has created a culture of anger and distrust which discredited democracy, made Trump president of the USA, made fake news an international household name and our banks utterly disliked. Until now this widespread distrust of banks does not mean we have deserted them in droves. Probably this is not a matter of loyalty and attachment, but a lack…...

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Carl Rohde Prof. Dr. Carl Rohde writes for DDI on the New Tech Forces and their cultural-sociological impact and meaning for contemporary and future culture and society. During the last ten years Rohde occupied professorate chairs in ‘Future Forecasting & Innovation’ in Shanghai, Barcelona and the Netherlands. Rohde also leads a virtual network of trend spotters and market researchers worldwide.

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